Peeling the Onion on Digital Citizenship: Etiquette

Digital Etiquette: Far Beyond Manners

“Managing” Devices

Pixino image by stephenpb shared into the public domain using Creative Commons CC0

For All That’s Bad, Unexpected Acts of Digital Generosity

This is my son Dexter, he picked these flowers last spring for my wife. Dex passed away 11/29/12 shortly after his 3rd birthday, complications from leukemia. Can anyone clean this iPhone pic up, or make an uber minimalist rendition from it?
from reddit r/pics : 2300 comments

Sample images from the responses to reddit request

My internet friends come together to honor the memory of my Mom who passed away unexpectedly on August 28, 2011. They declared Sept 4 to be a day to bake cookies and share with strangers, just like Mom did. See

Image Credit: Image by ulleo on Pixabay